1860 Description of Big Trees, Cave City, and Natural Bridges

James Mason Hutchings was one of alifornia's first press agents. Through his writings o the beauty of alifornia he enticed thousands to view the wonders of the golden state.
Hutchings California Magazine was one of the first periodicals in the State. Many of his writings included Calaveras County. In March of 1859 his magazine featured a story on the discovery of the Mammoth Trees of California. This area is now the Big Trees State Park.
In 1860, Hutchings published a book entitled "Scens of Wonder and Curiosity in California." The material presented here is a reprint of the section that recounted a trip from San Francisco to Calaveras County. The engravings are from the 1860 first edition.
Scenes of Wonder and Curiosity Calaveras County 5.pdf
Introductory text and document from an edition published by the Calaveras Enterprise, April 15, 1972; Compiled and Edited by Earnest A. Long.